Giveaway Roundup!

Hi guys! Though I don’t do a regular roundup (I wish I had the energy/time for that, because I love them!) there are enough contests and freebie promotions for my books floating around that I wanted to put them all in one place for you. That way, you can just click through them all and enter! Monday begins the official blog tour for THESE BROKEN STARS, so blog posts, tweets, and other social media will be flying every which way. I wanted to give you guys a heads up before all that starts!
THESE BROKEN STARS is now up on Audible, which means that by signing up for Audible now, you can get TBS for absolutely nothing when it comes out. Pre-order by clicking here! Plus, once you’re a member of Audible, you can get audiobooks for cheaper alongside ebook versions. Nothing like being able to switch back and forth from text to audio at the touch of a button. (Also: If you’d like to hear a sample of the audiobook, check out our most recent newsletter for the first ten minutes.) (Read more…)