Halloween, NaNo, and sundry stuff.
I keep getting people asking if I’m planning to do NaNo. I’ve never done it in the past, just because something weird in my brain rebels against the idea of the impetus to write coming from outside myself. I totally love NaNo time, and get behind all my friends who do it, cheer them on, am happy when they get really into it–but I’ve never felt the desire to join in the fun for some reason. Anyway, this year I’ve come REALLY close to doing it, just because my housemate Amie is doing it, as well as the few writerfriends I’ve met in the Melbourne area, and a bunch of my friends back in the U.S. too. It even comes at a convenient time–I’ll be querying by then, and working on my next novel. But it JUST hit me why I can’t do it: I’m traveling and having family coming to visit starting November 1st and not leaving until November 20-something. Duh. (Yes, I only just made this connection now, okay, I’m dumb). So, to answer everyone: Alas, no, I’m not doing NaNo this year.
Updates! I’m still tweaking THE IRON WOOD, mostly because I appear to be incapable of letting it go. I’m waiting to hear back on a critique, while going over some line edits and suggestions from some friends who’ve been awesome enough to read it for me. I’m hoping to be ready to send it out in a couple of weeks though.