critique partners

Some of you who are readers of either my blog or Amie Kaufman’s blog may know that we’ve been working on a collaborative novel together. We’ve been writing together in one form or another ever since we met a bit over six years ago, so it seemed like no big thing to evolve from that to writing a novel together, but—at the risk of sounding totally lame—once we started working on WRECKED, we knew it was something pretty awesome.
We finally finished the first draft at the end of October, though “first draft” is a bit misleading—through our collaboration we’d done a ton of editing for each other, so it was a much tighter draft than that implies. We gave it to our amazing agents (we knew being in the same agency would come in handy!) and they raced through it and gave us a weekend to make a few changes before they sent it off to editors.

I feel like I’ve been sitting on this FOREVER, but in reality it’s only been a couple of weeks. My friend and writing partner Amie Kaufman is back from her vacation and has some amazing news to share, and you all need to go visit her blog RIGHT NOW to read it!
She’s signed with Tracey Adams of Adams Literary!!

I’m about to head out to the wilderness (a well-established camp site on a beach) to camp out (stay in a massive tent and sleep on an air mattress) which will mean, gasp, that I will have no internet for the next five days! So I will post a few miscellaneous things today, and be back with you next week.
I return from the grave!

Only hopefully not, you know, zombified or anything.
So this blog has been a bit of a ghost town lately, to the point where it took me fifteen minutes to remember my password. Whoops. It’s been a weird couple of months, and unfortunately I don’t have much of a better explanation! For one thing, though, I’ve been buried in revisions, which for me involves of a lot of self-loathing “What the heck were you thinking?!” I know this is not the healthiest approach. Me and my internal editor are working on being nicer to each other. It’s a process. 😉