Last call for signed book plates!

As some of you know, I offer signed bookplates (and I usually add a little extra swag in the form of bookmarks too!) to readers who want them, and write to me with an envelope to send back. As others of you may know from my Twitter feed and my newsletter, I’m moving to North Carolina in a few weeks. What does this mean? Well, I’m going to need to move my P.O. Box address, so I’m going to have to shut this one down. In order to make sure that no one sends me a letter that arrives after I move, I’m shutting down my whole bookplates program until further notice.
So. The short version is that if you were thinking of writing and asking for signed bookplates to go in your copy of SKYLARK (and/or SHADOWLARK when it comes out), speak now or forever hold your peace! Well, probably not forever. I do plan to start up again once I’m settled, but it may be a little while before I get to it. I’m going to leave the address up for the next couple of days, but it’ll be gone by the end of the week. (Read more…)
SKYLARK bookplates are in! (And they’re awesome.)

Today on the SKYLARK blog tour I’m over at Cuddlebuggery, doing an interview the likes of which you’ve never seen before. Check it out now, and enter to win a copy of SKYLARK!
SKYLARK hits stores in two weeks. TWO WEEKS. People have asked me how I’m doing, whether I’m totally panicking or totally excited. And the truth is, I don’t really know how I’m doing. Perhaps “in shock” or “in denial” would be closest to the truth. I’m just sort of doing my thing, while in the background this OTHER thing, this bookish thing, this huge thing I can’t look at directly, is happening in two weeks.
At any rate, I wanted to celebrate the two-week-away date by showing you guys some SUPER AWESOME SWAG that I just got in, and have been dying to show you all…
SKYLARK Bookplates!
These are the bookplates that you can win as prizes in the SKYLARK swag giveaways, as well as in my own SKY’S THE LIMIT Contest for SKYLARK. And though I do say so myself, they’re pretty freaking awesome (click below for a bigger view).