Signed copies: Australian edition!

So as some of you guys may know, I was recently in Australia for the launch there of THESE BROKEN STARS. And it was crazy fun—check out the crowd! In addition to having a blast at the party, Amie and I made the rounds to a number of Melbourne bookstores to sign stock with the help of our fabulous Aussie publisher, Allen & Unwin. So, that means that if you’re in Australia and would like a signed copy of THESE BROKEN STARS, these are the places to order from!
Just be sure to check with them that they’ve still got signed stock, when you order. (Read more…)

As some of you may know, THESE BROKEN STARS has had an amazing home in the US with Disney Hyperion for quite a while now. But as others of you may know, our writing team is only half American, so Amie and I have been waiting oh-so-impatiently to be able to announce our exciting news–which is that THESE BROKEN STARS is also going to be coming out in Australia!! (Read more…)