Now I can die happy!
Today The Rejectionist passed along a seeeerious time-waster, but as it’s probably not quite as much of a time-waster as the Wordle thing, I figure it’s safe to pass it on to you guys. Basically, you paste in a chunk of text (as with Wordle) and the program analyzes it and compares it to a bunch of authors and figures out who you write like. It is the MOST ACCURATE thing I have EVER SEEN, because look:
Margaret Atwood
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
Apparently, THE IRON WOOD could have been written by Margaret Atwood! And look at this, when I input text from this blog, I get:
H. P. Lovecraft
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
(Note: Okay, so maybe my blog isn’t exactly H.P. Lovecraft. And maybe that means the first one is not exactly accurate either. No, scratch that. It is TOTALLY ACCURATE. *clings with deathgrip to comparison to Margaret Atwood.)
What sorts of writers do you guys get?
I write like Stephen King 🙂
Oooh, excellent! Not as if Stephen King lacks for fame and fortune… 😀
Apparently I write like Dan Brown. I hope that means “profitably.”
Snrk. Me too. Then you can buy a castle and invite me to live in it too. >_>
I apparently write like Stephen King
At least when I paste in the first two paragraphs of my latest short story. It’s military SF, so maybe I’m doing something right. Mil SF is typically very male in tone, and I tend to find Stephen King that way, too. Sure.
Re: I apparently write like Stephen King
Hah, that is awesome! I actually pasted like five chapters into the thing, which is what came out as Margaret Atwood. I wonder what would happen with smaller chunks of text.
Lol This is so much fun, each of my stories are likened to different writers: one was Stephen King (i haven’t read his work before) whilst the other got Vladimir Nobokov and another Leo Tolstoy and then Chuck Palahniuk. I guess my writing might lean towards stylized then lol.
HAH. That’s a crazy range, even weirder than Margaret Atwood+H.P. Lovecraft.
I write like J.K. Rowling!!
and I think I had fun with this… too much fun 😛
No such thing as too much fun! Isn’t it nice when it compares you to someone who’s made millions with her writing? 😛
I still love that my supposedly quirky, funny, silly MG novel comes up as George Orwell. Of course it does. Do you think it was the scene about the pig? Four legs good?