Last call for signed book plates!
As some of you know, I offer signed bookplates (and I usually add a little extra swag in the form of bookmarks too!) to readers who want them, and write to me with an envelope to send back. As others of you may know from my Twitter feed and my newsletter, I’m moving to North Carolina in a few weeks. What does this mean? Well, I’m going to need to move my P.O. Box address, so I’m going to have to shut this one down. In order to make sure that no one sends me a letter that arrives after I move, I’m shutting down my whole bookplates program until further notice.
So. The short version is that if you were thinking of writing and asking for signed bookplates to go in your copy of SKYLARK (and/or SHADOWLARK when it comes out), speak now or forever hold your peace! Well, probably not forever. I do plan to start up again once I’m settled, but it may be a little while before I get to it. I’m going to leave the address up for the next couple of days, but it’ll be gone by the end of the week.
Just hearing about this for the first time, and want to give it a try? Well, here’s the short version of how to write to me and get a signed bookplate in return!
- Write me a note explaining what you want. This does not have to be a drawn-out fan letter, though of course, I always love to hear that someone enjoyed my book! I keep every single letter and note I get, and they’re vital to keeping my chin up whenever I have a crisis of confidence.
- Put that note in an envelope and send it to me (address below) along with a SASE. Don’t know what a SASE is? Click here for my handy-dandy tutorial on how to send someone an envelope they can use to write back to you.
- Mail that baby!
Please don’t actually send me books to sign, because my PO box won’t accept them and they’ll be returned to you unopened. Plus, the bookplate saves you the expense of shipping the book to me and paying to have it shipped back! Everybody wins. International readers: For return postage, you can either get a universal postage voucher from your local post office, or if you can get your hands on US stamps, then you can calculate what the return postage will be and go ahead and put it on the SASE.
My address:
To all those who have already written to me, thank you. I truly treasure every message I get, and I keep them up on my wall above my computer so that I see them whenever I lift my head. There are so many hard things about being a writer (or any kind of artist) for a living, but seeing those letters just makes everything difficult fade away. You’re why I keep doing this. Thank you.