Birthday Book Bonanza GIVEAWAY!
Before you ask, yes. It’s true. That fashion-challenged child to the left is, in fact, me. Wasn’t I cute? Man, what happened there?
As those who have been following me for a while may know, I tend to celebrate my birthday on July 5th by giving stuff away. It started years ago, before I was published, with giving away Book Depository orders. It’s a tradition I hope to continue long into the future! It’s so much fun, and now that I can give away my OWN books, it’s even better. Well, that time has come around once more, so put on your party hats and join me in a celebration!
Here’s what you can win! (Open internationally, see the grand prize for details.)
Grand Prize (1)*
- Signed hardcover of SKYLARK
- Signed hardcover of SHADOWLARK
- Swag pack for both the Skylark and the Starbound trilogies
*Please note that this contest IS open internationally, but for shipping purposes only the grand prize is available to international entrants. The grand prize will NOT include the swag, but will instead include an order from Book Depository for all three books (which will not be signed).
Second Prize (4)
- A book jacket poster from SHADOWLARK, signed by me! These include the cover, the jacket synopsis, the lovely blurb from Veronica Rossi on the back, and my author bio.
- Swag packs for both the Skylark and the Starbound trilogies
Third Prize (5)
- Swag packs for both the Skylark and the Starbound trilogies
So now that you know what you can win, here’s how to enter. The contest is open (with some limitations) internationally, to entrants over the age of 13. Use the Rafflecopter form below, which is chock full of ways you can earn extra entries. I’m sure you ALL want to give me tons of presents, so here’s your chance!

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You shuld have a really big party to celebrate your birthday with alots of guests, which might give you many gifts (books). 😀 😀 😀
I like your thinking! The more books, the better.
Eat lots of yummy baked goods!!!! That’s what I do 🙂 Curl up with a good book to re-read. That way you know you’ll love it!
BROWNIES. I make the awesomest browned butter brownies with toffee bits, but I never make them for myself because, well, then I’d EAT them…
read a good book, watch your favorite corny chick flick, and eat all your favorite junk food 🙂 if you can’t indulge on your birthday, when can you?
You know, I like your style. Sign me up for the junk food express…
Today is my birthday as well so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You can enter my birthday contest if you want 😉
I think you should go to the mall and buy something REALLY expensive. But something that you won’t regret buying, but something really expensive. You only have birthdays once a year!
YAY US! Late fireworks babies 😀
So cool! And so true about the fireworks. When I was little I thought they were for my birthday.
Take the day for yourself, put aside the work and hang out with friends, go for a spa date, eat lots of sugar, and read a good book~
I hope your day’s AWESOMETASTIC (: Happy Birthday!
I’ve heard such good things about SKYLARK! I really want to read it now. 😉 Happy Birthday!!
Aw, happy birthday! Such a cute little picture. I hope your birthday was absolutely splendid and full of the people you love most.
Thanks for the giveaaway! and a massive Happy Birthday!!
Thanks for the giveaway! And you should definitely celebrate by eating cake. Lots of cake. 🙂
I think Im going to go simple and say Happy Birthday! Thanks for the giveaway and I hope you have a wonderful celebration. 🙂
Happy birthday, may all your wishes and dreams come true.
I’m so excited to get Skylark soon! It’s been on my to-read list for awhile and I’m only just getting around to it. Happy birthday, by the way! 🙂
I’ve been wanting to read ur books since forever!Ive been so busy with graduation that I didn’t even read a SINGLE book last month!OoO So I’ can’t wait to read Skylark since itll be a great book to read during the summer!^^ Thanx for the giveaway and Happy Belated Birthday!:)
Happy Birthday! And thanks for the giveaway. I am seriously so excited for your book!
Happy birthday….enjoy some chocolate cake with a candle on top!
Happy Birthday, Meagan ! *throws confetti*
Book giveaways are the best! Everyone loves free books. I’ve always wanted to do a book giveaway, but I don’t know if people would enter it. Maybe when I publish my next book. The book I’m looking forward to reading is “Roaring Midnight” by Colleen Gleason and you should celebrate your birthday with a great cake. I like to get a bumpy cake.
Happy birthday!!! Thanks for doing such an awesome giveaway! I’m really excited for These Broken Stars. It looks fantastic!!!!
A happy birthday to you! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
happy Birthday! Have fun getting older lol I am not big on celebrating my birthday but most of the time I really appreciate people remembering my birthday :3
I can’t believe I missed your birthday!! Or maybe I said happy birthday on Twitter….I honestly can’t remember, but happy belated birthday in any case! I hope you’ve had a super-wonderful celebration time. 🙂 I can’t wait to make more of a dent in my ARC obligations so that I can finally get around to reading Shadowlark and TBS! I’m really hoping that I’ll get to see you and Amie so that I can have you sign my first ever physical ARC – and everything else I own, lol.
I hope you celebrated with an ice cream cake because om nom nom. Happy belated birthday! 😀
This giveaway is so awesome, happy birthday! I’m super excited for the release of These Broken Stars. It sounds like something I’d absolutely love and I can’t wait! Thanks so much for the giveaway. 🙂
Happy B-Day, girl!! 😀 Hope you have a huge chocolate cake 😀
[…] So what are you waiting for? Click here to enter! […]
I’m looking forward to all the books actually! Probably Skylark the most. Hmm, birthdays…well, mine is New Year’s Eve, so I try to go to a party if anyone is having one. If not, it’s dinner and a movie.
Gosh, I love your comment system! I get to see the pretty font as I type! 😀
Birthdays are amazing!! Enjoy it!! I suggest celebrating all month long.
I would love to read any of those series. They all sound interesting and intriguing..
Have a great birthday month.
Thank you for the giveaways
I really like the way you have this comment section set up. It is unique and nice.
Have a book-themed birthday party. Everyone dresses up as their favorite characters from a book. You can have a guessing game with that.
Oh, yes, I agree with one of the other comments about having a book-themed birthday party! But at my age, birthday parties aren’t a necessary thing for me. I like to enjoy my birthday with a nice home-cooked meal, some banana bread, and icecream with my fiancé and whatever tv show we are obsessing over. We used to take trips to places we’d never been but haven’t done that for the past year or so. Whatever you do, enjoy it! Happy Birthday! 🙂
I’m currently reading TBS and, sweet Jesus take the wheel, so far I’m absolutely LOVING it!!
And I’ve recently came across this amazing giveaway so I thought about trying my luck.
Also, happy very belated birthday ^_^
Oh, and thank you for the giveaway. Best of lucks 😉
XX Ner
[…] just entered to win all of @MeaganSpooner's books in her Birthday Book Bonanza!… […]
I am really looking forward to reading Skylark. I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve heard nice things. Additionally, I know I’m pretty late, but Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great time.
Happy Belated Birthday! And celebrate with books- lots of books! That is definitely a good way to spend time:) Thank you so much for the giveaway and I hope you had a great birthday!
Happy birthday! Birthdays should always be celebrated with cake. Lots and lots of cake.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I say you should lounge around in PJs, eat yummy food, watch bad tv and read a lot 🙂
I think you should have a book bash…. I’ve done it before. Basically I invite all my bookie friends and we all dress up as one of our favorite characters. Everyone brings books and gives them to each other and talks about them and does other book related things.
Happy Happy Birthday Meagan!!! I can’t wait to read all of your books, and now that I know Veronica Rossi blurbed them I need to read them THAT much sooner! I hope you had a great birthday and to celebrate you should totally buy books. Cause what’s a birthday without books? I’ll answer that, it’s NOTHING without books. Also, can I just say I could write in this forever because I love watching the pretty typing pop up on my keyboard every time I push a letter!!! It’s so pretty! GAH. Okay, that’s all.
I’m looking forward to reading Not a Drop To Drink and These Broken Stars! 🙂 Happy birthday!
That’s a good question. Even though we celebrate our brithdays every year, we’re usually stuck for ideas. Yes, a party is mandatory, but is it? What if you celebrate by travelling? Or by doing something for a person you love? Perhaps you might write a story instead. Or if you don’t feel too energetic, just buy yourself an awesome book and read it next to a cup of tea.
You should celebrate it whit an enormous cake with the Skylark cover in the top, that would look so amazing *-* With your family and friends around you in a pool party ^^
I’m looking forward Skylark so long, but I hesitate to buy it because I’m afraid to the level of english it could have and cant read it well, but I hope I’m wrong haha
Sorry me if my english isn’t so well, but I hope you understandme.
¡A huge hug!
You should have a book-themed birthday party, where everyone has to dress like one of their favorite book characters, and gift you on their favorite books as a present.