Big news!
How do I even start this post? I’ve even had months to sit on this and try to figure it out, and here I am on the day and I’m still at a loss.
I could write an entire novel about this announcement, but you know what? For once I’m just going to be concise and let the news speak for itself.
Okay, okay. Calm. Deep breaths. There’s so much I want to talk about, but it’d end up being a thirty-page blog post, and at the moment none of it would be at all coherent. In the future maybe I can talk about the people who’ve helped me along the way, what led me to choose the publisher I did (basically, my new editor is AWESOME), and what happens next. I may have more things to announce in the coming weeks, too. And certainly I have a LOT of work ahead of me in terms of revisions, given that my book is scheduled to come out next year! Yikes! And two more books to write, too. The butterflies in the stomach are definitely raging, because this is just the beginning.
But for now I’m just going to dance. <3

AMAZING NEWS! And well-deserved, I suspect. 🙂 Can’t wait to buy and read your work, and CONGRATULATIONS!
Thank you, Katy! And congratulations on your OWN fantastic news today! It’s a pretty good day. 😀
[…] If this were my deal, I couldn’t be happier or more excited! I hope you’ll join me over at Meg’s website and help her celebrate! […]
Congrats Meg! Super excited for you, can’t wait to read it!!
Aww, thank you, Gus! You are so sweet. Thank you thank you. <3
I know I’ve already said it a billion times over the past few weeks, but CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so, so thrilled for you, and can’t wait for you (and TIW) to take the world by storm!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Heeeee… I’m SO lucky to have you on my side. You are seriously the world’s BEST cheerleader… and there’s no way I would’ve stayed sane over the past several months without you. <3 <3 <3
CONGRATS, MEG!!! 😀 I’m soo excited this is public now, and I’m SOO HAPPY FOR YOU!
You go and dance ;D
Hee, thanks, Kat! I’m pretty excited it’s out now, too. Daaaance~
Congratulations!! That’s fantastic news. Saw my new agent mate (Katy Upperman) tweeting at you & followed you back to your post. What an exciting time!
Ooh, exciting time for you and Katy, too! 😀 I just love getting good news from writer friends. 😛
Thank you so much for the congrats!!
Congrats, Meagan! Carolrhoda is a *fantastic* publisher, as is Andrew. How exciting. 🙂
Thank you so much for the congrats! I was completely blown away by Andrew when we talked about the book–it was such an easy decision to go with him and Carolrhoda. I can’t wait to get edits and get to work!!
Congratulations again! Magic steampunk has me intrigued!!
Heehee, thanks! I hope that it lives up to the intrigue when it comes out. 😛
Congratulations!!! Magic steampunk has me intrigued!
Congrats!! Whenever I see a writer on subs post something about being in a good mood, I always think “OMG they’ve got a book deal!” I think I saw something from you about a victory dance a few weeks ago, so I was hoping an announcement like this would pop up soon! Yayyy, I’m so excited to read TIW! 🙂
Haha… I’m SO bad at keeping secrets! I’m not surprised you figured it out. 🙂 I’ve known for a while now, but there’s all this other stuff that goes into announcement timing, so I’ve just been twiddling my thumbs, waiting to be able to share it with you guys!
Thanks so much <3
Magicpunk?! You’ve created a whole new genre!! CONTRATS again!
Haha! I’m so BRILLAINT! 😛 Nah, but I do hope people like it. *chews fingernails!*
I’m with @Laura – “magicpunk” sounds AWESOME!!!! And a trilogy??? So, so, SO cool. Congratulations – can’t wait :):):)
Haha, I’m so glad it’s intriguing! I was worried too many people would be like “Um, what is that?” But hopefully it’s intriguing enough to get people to pick it up! 😛 Thanks so much for the congrats, it means so much to me to be able to share this with so many people!
I am dancing and prancing like a lunatic, as well you know. Huzzah! SO well deserved. You’ve worked so, so hard to get your book into perfect shape and committed so thoroughly to the process. I can’t wait to hold it in my hands!
You worked just as hard! It’s just as much your celebration as mine–and your own victory is coming. BWAHAHA. Then it will be my turn to post fireworks. <3 <3 <3
Hooray! I love the word magicpunk- can’t wait to buy your book!
Awesome, so glad you like it! 🙂 Thank you so much for the good wishes. 😀 (And good luck with The Insect Collector, Amie’s told me all about it, and how you’re going with it! :P)
Congrats again! Brilliant news on a cold and miserable day… all the victory dancing kept me warm!
Woooo! Xander’s Snoopy dance is impossible to resist even on the worst of days… and such a good way to celebrate. 😀 😀 Thanks!
I KNOW omG TFHEFH$H@Hf@$@$#!!!!!
Many, many congrats! It makes it a little more real to see it in Publisher’s Marketplace… I can’t wait to see it in bookstores!
Me neither! It seems SO far away, and yet simultaneously right around the corner. Aaaack.
Yay congrats times a million! So glad to hear the wonderful news, and hopefully we can celebrate soon in DC? Cupcakes are in order 🙂
Yeeeees!! I am ALL OVER cupcakes. We must arrange it for sooner rather than later!!
Congratulations! You’ve worked so hard, you deserve it!
Thank you SO much, Sav. It really means a lot to have my friends to share this with. <3
Thanks, Jess! 😀
Meagan – WOWZA, girl – CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your trilogy sounds amazing!!! And isn’t Adam’s Literary THE BEST?! (I’m with Tracey). We’re agency sisters! Wishing you much luck!!!
OMG! I read The Healing Spell a while ago and loved it SO MUCH I started gushing to Tracey and Josh about it! Thank you so much for the good wishes, you are just so sweet. <3 Agency sisters indeed--I am in some amazing, amazing company!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <– happy dance
So excited for you! Congratulations, and dance all you want, lady. You deserve it 🙂
Thank you, Erin. <3 You are basically full of awesome. 😀
Wow, Meagan – that is wonderful! (And the book sounds FANTASTIC!) Congratulations, and I can’t wait to read it!
Aww, thank you! I hope it lives up, seriously. 😛
I CANNOT WAIT! I’m so excited for you!!
Squeeeeee, thank you!
I mean… I did it for you. To make your gift selection for your sisters easier. >__>
Yes, OBVIOUSLY it was for me. It’s still exciting, though. On another random note, my mom is thrilled too and says hi. 🙂
Woo hoo!!! Way to go. LOVE your dance.
Haha, thanks! It’s this fabulous scene from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I’ve always known that it’d be my daaaaance when something good happened. 😛
WOO! Thank you so much!
SUPER, HUGE, MAJOR, WONDERFUL CONGRATS! I read about the news on Sarah’s LJ, and I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to read The Iron Wood! <3
Oh wow–I didn’t see Sarah’s post until seeing this comment. I’m just speechless. Isn’t she the most amazing person? I don’t know what I’d do without her.
Thank you so, so much for the congratulations–it means so much!
I shake my groove thing in your general direction, Meg. Congratualtions, baby!!! I couldn’t be more happy for you. 🙂
Awww <3 <3 <3
I nearly cried reading your Odyssey list email, seriously. I'm so lucky to have you guys! Also: will be back in the U.S. soon, and will come to NYC at some point--we must meet up! <3
I’m very happy for you! Congratulations~! I’ll be sure to buy your book. :3
Have fun dancing XD!
Awww, thank you so much! Okay, now to freak out that people won’t like it…. XD
Congrats!!!! I’m dancing for you!
Wahoo! Everybody dance!
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it!
I’m so psyched! Thanks!
You’re living the writer’s dream, Meagan! I’m celebrating with you! Hooray! Cheers!
Thank you!! It really does make it so much more fun to have so many people to celebrate with.
Aaaahhhh!!! Meagan!!! This is the BEST news ever!!! CONGRATSCONGRATSCONGRATS!!!!
Honestly though, you’ve inspired me to make a daily writing commitment, which I pledged to the world on LJ. (Em…I hope you don’t mind, but I mentioned you in my first post…)
I will happy dance on your behalf *jigs*
Haha, OMG! You are too cute! And wow, I’m just… so speechless that you are inspired to start your own daily writing commitment. I know different things work for different writers, but I also know I definitely would not have gotten TIW written if I hadn’t made that commitment myself. I know good things are on the way for you–I’ll be cheering for you soon enough!!
Congratulations! The series sounds amazing. I can’t wait to read it.
I’m so glad it at least sounds good! That’s half the battle, right? (Shh, let’s pretend!) Thanks so much. 😀
Hi! I just want to drop by and say congrats. Your novel sounds so, so awesome. It’s definitely something I’d read. And I like the excerpts! XD
Woo, I’m glad it sounds intriguing! I hope others will think so, too. I so appreciate you taking the time to come and say congrats, it means a lot to have so many good wishes! Thank you!
Omg!!! This is so amazing – I can’t wait to read it next year! *Joins the chorus of congratulations.* 🙂
Hee, thank youuu! It’s tremendously fun to be able to share it with the writerfriends who I’ve been in touch with the whole way. 😛
CONGRATULATIONS! I can’t wait to read it! It sounds amazing!!! 😀
Woohoo! I’m so glad. Thank you, thank you!
You announced it! You announced it! It’s all official and in the world and YAY YOU Meg. I can’t gt over it – Australia: Mission accomplished.
Haha–yes! Mission accomplished indeed. I’m pretty excited about that! Can’t wait to meet up again. 😀
I KNEW something was up! You’ve just been way too quiet lately for nothing to have been going on… I’m so thrilled for you!!! A THREE BOOK deal, AND at auction! Not too shabby hot shot 😉
Aww, Sammi! <3 You are too sweet. You're right, I was just like "ARGHWEFKHDVN" during the entire process, not being able to talk about it! Made blogging really difficult, because I'm so bad at ignoring what's on my mind in order to talk about other stuff.
Congrats! WOW — Three book deal at auction, and I’m hoping for more good news. We’re so happy for you and wish you every success and a painless revision process. Can’t wait to read this!
Martina and Marissa
Thank you so much! I learned so much by participating in your pitch-to-query workshop, seriously. My query letter was a DISASTER before I had to tighten it up for the contest!
Painless revision process? Is there even such a thing? 😛
WOW!!! congrats!!! must be so exciting!! xDDD
Thank you! It is TOTALLY exciting, but also completely daunting as well. Bizarre though it sounds, it’s only just starting to occur to me that this means that other people are going to read my book. People I don’t know. People who have no reason to be kindly disposed toward me.
Hrm. >__>
OMG I HEARD! Congratulations!! 😀 So excited!
Eeeee, thank you!! <3
Congrats Megan! Awesome news and I can’t wait to read your book. I’m at Literary Rambles and interview debut authors so e-mail me if you’re interested in being interviewed closer to your publication date.
Hi Natalie–thanks so much! I would absolutely love to be interviewed by you, so I will definitely let you know closer to release day! 🙂
Saw the news on the Adventures in Children’s Publishing blog and wanted to congratulate you! The Iron Wood sounds so good and I look forward to Fall 2012 when I can read it.
Thank you!! I love the ladies at ACP–they’ve been such a great help, and they provide such amazing information on their site.
I hope you enjoy the book when it comes out!!
[…] As you’ll also have seen from my last post, we had a party of our own here at Kaufman & Spooner Inc. As per my last post, we’re still in the middle of an all-singing, all-dancing extravaganza to celebrate Meg’s book deal. […]
Congratulations!!!! That is amazing news 🙂
Thank you!! I’m crazy excited. 😀
WooHOOOO! Major super-duper congrats to ya, Meagan!!! And wow, that’s a fast timetable, NEXT fall. That is way cool. (Craaack! Get to work! LOL–the sound of a whip crackin’–but I know you can do it!!)
Aww, thank you so much! Yeah, believe me… I’m SO feeling the whip-crack! So much has to happen before then it’s nuts. 😛
Such wonderful news. And the premise of your books sounds like so much fun. Congratulations.
Thank you! And I’m glad it sounds like fun. It was certainly fun to write.
Meagan, I hopped on over here after you commented on my blog and just saw this post. HOLY COW. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What amazing, amazing news. I’m sure you’re still dancing so I’ll let you get back to that!! But I just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog, and I love the sound of your book and can’t wait to see it on the shelves next year!
Aww, thank you so much! I so appreciate it–every time someone shares in this, it’s like I’m finding out all over again. *dance*
I seriously SO loved that piece of music on your blog. I listen to it now sometimes when I need to get in the epic frame of mind for certain bits of writing!
Congratulations! I cant wait to read it ^_^
Meagan – I knew you had big things in your future since we got to spend some time with you a few years back. Your mom and dad told us the news and I wanted to see your web page for myself. Elise and I can’t wait to read the book. Congratulations!
Meg, Twitter just suggested I might know you and that helped me stumble onto your blog. Congratulations on your book deal! What an accomplishment. All the best, Toni at Media Life
Toni, it’s so great to hear from you! Thank you so much for the congratulations–it STILL doesn’t feel real to me.
I’m glad Twitter pointed you my way!